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Community Purim Festivities

Past Sessions
Sunday, March 24, 2024 14 Adar II 5784 - 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM - Adat Shalom Synagogue
Sunday, March 24, 2024 14 Adar II 5784 - 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM - B'nai Israel Synagogue
Saturday, March 23, 2024 13 Adar II 5784 - 8:45 PM - 11:55 PM - Congregation Shaarey Zedek

Let's celebrate Purim together! Erev Purim festivities (maariv, havdalah, & megillah reading and raffle, followed by dessert & music) beginning at 8:45pm will be hosted by Congregation Shaarey Zedek.

Purim morning community services & Megillah reading followed by breakfast beginning at 8:30am will be hosted by B'nai Israel Synagogue.

Family Purim Shpiel at 10:30 am followed by the carnival at 10:30am will be hosted by Adat Shalom Synagogue. Kravings will be selling lunch during the carnival.

All Purim festivities are free of charge. At the carnival there will be many games, inflatables, miniature motorways, a dance party with Star Trax, and more. Plus, kids will win tickets to buy prizes at the shuk (market).

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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784