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Ramah Reunion Shabbat

Friday, December 8, 2023 25 Kislev 5784

6:00 PM - 9:00 PMCongregation Shaarey Zedek

Former and current campers and staff of Camp Ramah and their families and friends are invited to attend the inaugural Ramah Reunion Shabbat! We will begin with a camp-style Kabbalat Shabbat service, and then continue with a joyful Shabbat dinner. Tov li baMachaneh Ramah!

Camp Style Kabbalat Shabbat Service 6:00 p.m.
Catered Shabbat Dinner at 7:00 p.m. 
Children's activities will be offered. Registration is required by December 5th.

Host Committee: Ruth and Norman Beitner; Julianne and Howard Berlin; Messodie Carter; Marni and Dan Cherrin; Ilana Glazier and Lowell Schmeltz; Yitzi Hartman; Kate and David Kurzmann; Lisa and Danny Kurzmann; Jennie and Sam Maxbauer; Aviva Millstone; Ryan Schmeltz; Kobi Schmeltz; Ari Salama; Eli Salama; David Salama; Ayal Starr; Caleb Starr; Rebecca and Rabbi Aaron Starr; Dottie and Don Wagner; Katey and Mitch Wagner; Brooke Weingarden

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