"Pack for People" Ukraine Relief
Friday, September 9, 2022 • 13 Elul 5782
4:30 PM - 6:00 PMCongregation Shaarey ZedekJoin the CSZ Social Action Team to assemble and pack personal hygiene kits that will be donated to seniors, women and children in Eastern Ukraine who are in need and unable to leave.
Your donation can make an added difference!
Please choose to help today:
$18 Buys 65 Bars of Soap
$36 Buys 50 Pairs of socks
$50 Buys 238 Packs of Advil
$100 Buys 133 Bottles of Shampoo
The needs in Eastern Ukraine are great! We appreciate your generosity in helping us reach our goal of 500 hygiene kits which will impact hundreds of families!
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Sat, February 15 2025 17 Shevat 5785