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Sale of Chametz


I, the undersigned, fully empower and permit RABBI AARON STARR, or his agent, to act in my place and stead, and on my behalf to sell all chametz possessed by me (knowingly and unknowingly) as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic law (e.g. chametz, doubt of chametz, and all kinds of chametz mixtures). Also, chametz that tends to harden and to adhere to the inside surface of pans, pots, or cooking and usable utensils, and all kinds of live animals that have been eating chametz or mixtures of thereof. And to lease all places wherein the chametz owned by me may be found, especially in the premises located at
Rabbi Aaron Starr has the full right to sell and to lease by transactions, as he deems fit and proper, and for such time which he believes necessary in accordance with all detailed terms and detailed forms as explained in the general authorization contracts which have been given this year to him to sell the chametz. This general authorization is made a part of this agreement. Also, I do hereby give Rabbi Aaron Starr full power and authority to appoint a substitute in his stead with full power to sell and to lease as provided herein. The above given power is conformity with all Torah, Rabbinic regulations and laws, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Michigan and of the United States, and by clicking submit I hereby authorize the sale. 
Me’ot Chetim: The term Me’ot Chetim is Hebrew for “wheat money.” It refers to the collection of funds to ensure that the needy can properly celebrate Passover. Traditionally, Jews contribute to Me’ot Chetim at the time they authorize the sale of their chametz. There are many needy families in our community who depend upon these funds to celebrate Passover.
Thu, May 9 2024 1 Iyyar 5784